Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Opposition to Vaccination

Above is a cartoon produced by James Gillray in 1802 called opposition to vaccination. Look at the source and listen to the voice thread then try to answer the following question.

Does this source prove that the public thought vaccination was a stupid ideas when Jenner announced his scheme in 1802? (8 marks)

Although the wording is different, this is a usefulness question! It could easily be phrased as; 'how useful is this source in telling us about the public reaction to Jenner's smallpox vaccination in 1802'?

Remember to get the best marks first go through the source explaining what it does show (why people were fearful of it) and then use your own knowledge with supporting evidence to prove that some people were behind Jenner.

Post your answer in the comments of the blog post. I will post my model answer and your grades after the due date and remember just because you are writing on the Internet it does not mean you let your standards of written English drop!


Anonymous said...

i believe that it does suggest that it was deemed as a stupid idea in that time period as the picture shows that atleast some people thought it was a bad idea as it mocks jenners ideas they belived that it was stupid as they didntthink you should use another illness to cure another as it would put them in even more danger to get the disease he was trying to cure and the disease he used to vaccinate this wouldve seemed like common sense back then as they belived in more practical ways of curing people also a well known doctor with a good background disaproved of this method instantly getting followers who did not like this treatment and although it had posotive effects when tested they still did not like it

Will.D. said...

I think that in the renaisance ideas were being made, critisized and thrown away by the common people as well as doctors and surgens, this was influensed by painters who showed religous views on the matter, so i believe that at the time vaccinations seemed like some half witt idea and because it was new people were scared, also hygene was not as developed as much as it is now, so some people may have died from it, i think that at the time vaccinations were unliked by people.

joe derail said...

i beleve that the general public would hav thought the idea wa stupid cos nothin like it had gone b4 and the paintin which mocked jenner did not lear any1 to believe it wa true. Also the church wud hav been agianst the idea, as injecting somthing from a low class animal into the human body, it wud hav seen 2 be in humane.the thought of puttin a disease into the body, to cure another disease wud have seen to be insane, as that goes against common logic , but the effects which it had on small pox , peeps opinoins wer soon changed

ben lancaster said...

i beleve that the general public would have thought the idea was stupid because nothing like it had gone before and the painting which mocked jenner did not lear anyone to believe it was true. Also the church would have been agianst the idea, as injecting somthing from a low class animal into the human body, would have seen to be inhumane.The thought of putting a disease into the body, to cure another disease would have seen to be insane, as that goes against common logic , but the effects which it had on small pox , peoples opinoins wer soon changed

Becky Milner said...

I think that the artist's picture does suggest that some people thought it was a stupid idea to have a vaccination, although other peopke may not of been against the idea. The artist certainly has something against Jenner to mock his ideas so much. I also believe that people mocked him because he was just a small doctor who came from the countryside and wasnt as big as other doctors E.G. Galen. People thoguht it was stupid to be injecting yourself with another illness to try and get rid of another one, people were too narrow minded and werent open to toher ideas. Even though Jenner proved that the vaccination did work..

Chelsea.D said...

This source proves that the public thought that vaccination was a stupid idea because in the source the pick mocks his idea. The fact that in the picture, the artist has drawn cows growing out of the human body shows us that he is mocking the idea of injecting another disease to cure another. In this case he is mocking Jenner because he injected the small boy with cowpox before he could survive from small pox.This to people in them days would seem a mad thing to do. However it also doesn’t prove that they thought it was stupid, but it does shows us that the public were scared of what would happen if they had the vaccine.

ellie shute said...

I think that the source does prove that the public thought vaccination was a stupid idea because they may not of believed that you could cure a disease by injecting another into your system. They may have also thought it would put them into more danger of catching a dangerous disease. Many of the public and doctors disagreed with Jenner's idea as no-one before had discovered a way to treat the disease even though the treatment had positive effects and cured the patient.

Olivia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
matthew holmes said...

i think that people thought it was a stupid idea at that time because no other disease had been cured by something so simple.Jenners background did not help his idea because he came from from a very rural area. and most of the trained doctors worked in the towns and cities and cured the wealthy people. Jenners ideas were not taken up instantly because of these factors.

Zach.C said...

I think that the people in them times would think that it is a stupid idea because that sort of money should not be given away to people. Quack doctors giving fake ideas away would give the impression that Edward Jenner is only wanting the money and not curing any one. Edward Jenner he was not well known at that time and to be giving random people that amount of money in them times was not a smart idea but the government took a risk and it paid off. Edward Jenner cured small pox by giving the patience cowpox and when he cured small pox the people at that time trusted people a lot more. At that time the public were taking the mick out of Quack doctors and that also made people aware that if they come across a fake doctor they will not get better they will get worse.

Bethany H said...

I think this source does suggest that Jenners ideas were stupid. In the source it shows that people thought it was a bad idea as theres people who look afraid to have the vaccination. The church would have been against injecting a desease into your body, so religous people were less likely to have it done. Also no body before Jenner had an idea similar to this and it looked too simple for a cure for a disease, but this is only one artists opinion on the vaccination.

Rosie R said...

This source shows that everybody was immediately sceptical of the vaccination, mostly because they didn’t know what was in it, which is shown as the artist has drawn all the patients with pig deformities. Another reason they might not have believed in the vaccination could have been because of the background of Jenner, as he came from a small village and didn’t have much education, and discovered the vaccination through observation rather than schools and colleges. There was also a religious element to it, which is shown as the artist has drawn horns resembling the devil on a woman’s head. However, the royal family were behind Jenner and were funding him in 1802, and also some of the public were using it as well, so it shows that not everyone thought of it as stupid. This source is useful because it shows the reaction of people in 1802, and how new ideas and theories were viewed.

Ling, (': said...

I believe that this source does suggest some opposition towards Jenner's idea of vaccination.
However i doubt many thought that it was indeed a 'stupid' idea.
As within the same year this cartoon was painted, the vaccination was given a grant for about £1000! So I believe that this cartoon was painted to show some unrest about the fact that the vaccination was given this grant by the government. Who before have never interfered with the lives of the public.
The source shows many whom opposed Jenner's idea of Vaccination. Like the church; the church had alot of power within the 19th Century as many people were highly religious. The source suggest thats the church opposed Jenner's idea of vaccination, as in the cartoon a women is drawn (who had had the vaccination) with devil horns. This relates with satan as hes sterotypicaly seen as having horns and a tail. So this women drawn within the cartoon shows how vaccination is evil, for it relates to satan, who is in fact the blame for everything 'evil'.
Also, many people would oppose the idea of vaccination due to many doubts.
For example doctors, they may of been against the idea of vaccination as they had made alot of money from innoculation. Aswell this new treatment from a country doctor, someone who hadn't had the same university training as they had done discovered this new treatment that works! So many doctors opposed vaccination due to money gain (as innoculation was indeed expensive) and also plain arrogance.
However many people simply doubted the safety of the vaccination, as no one knew how it worked, and how injecting yourself with a disease to stop another disease would sound ridiculous at the time. So the source shows all those who had had the vaccination had cows coming from them, it was basically putting across the doubt of safety. This coming from the fact that no one knew who it worked, Jenners proved that it worked but never how.
So in conclusion I think that that some thought that Jenenrs idea was stupid, those who were religious, and corncerned people and also the arrogance of doctors. But on majority wise i believe that more people thought of Jenner's idea to be a revelation, this proved by the grant given to him in 1802.

-yawn- Nights. xD

Nicholle W :) said...

I believe that the source does show that some of the the public would of thought it was a stupid idea as nothing like it had happend before there-for it would have made them afraid of the consequences of using the vaccination.Also It might of made them more afraid as they knew that he was only a doctor from the country side and nothing big and as the cure was so simple it might of confussed the patients making then question Jenner's ideas and due to the fact the church would not have supported it this would of put alot of people off.Although some people might have suported Jenner's ideas but looking at this source i beleive it is against vaccination.

lois :D said...

By looking at this source i believe that some people will have had opposition towards vaccination. I think this is because of Jenner's background and the way vaccination was discovered. However i do not think it was deemed as a "stupid" idea. This is because, i do not think that this word is the correct word to support the opinions on vaccination.
I think that some people will have being scared that they would catch smallpox because to be honest, they didn't really have much idea of how the vaccination worked so i think it was right for people to share how they felt about it.
I disagree with the artist, this is because vaccination has proved nowadays to prevent millions of people developing deadly diseases. I think that the artist made matters worse by painting the picture because more people will have gone against vaccination and thought that there was dangers towards it without even consulting medical advice.

i dont really get this :S :/

Olivia said...

My thought on "Opposition to vaccination", is that the source suggest that in the time the picture was painted, the public used paintings and reigious veiws to dissaprove and mock new ideas and cirtisise them. The painting shows us how they mocked Jenners idea of using humans to see how the effects of vaccination would work, and how the public thought this was inhumane to try this on a person instead of an animal. Though as we see when Vasalius challenged Galens work on human anatomy by discovering that the human body was made up differently to animals, by testing on a human this corrected many flaws in medicine, so maybe the public should observe this and take note on how they could test theories instead of mocking them.Religious views prevented some theories being tested sooner which could of advanced their knowledge of human anatomy an example of this is Vasalius, as testing and disecting was disaproved of by the church at the time untill he stole a body from the gallows.Another reason why they would of mocked Jenners work was because of their medical background and is not well known in medicine. The effect of the painted steered peoples view on jenners theory and work through the artist painting devils horns on a women and .Though Jenner did recieve a grant for his work in 1802. The Source is useful in some ways of showing how presenting paintings to the public and religious views affect their understanding and acceptence of new ideas which could help them progress in medicine.

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