Thursday, 7 May 2009

What have the Romans done for us?

Without doubt the Romans have had a huge influence on how we live our lives today. So it is not the case of asking what the Romans have done for us but rather what is the most IMPORTANT thing they have done for us? I personally think it is their contribution to our language; they have given us so many words we use on a day-to-day basis. What do you think is the most important thing the Romans have done for us? remember to explain your point.    


Anonymous said...

i think the most important things the romans have done for us is thehygiene and clean streets and stuff.

Anonymous said...

They Counoured alot of Countrys Like Britan Carthage and Gaul

Anonymous said...

hey sir it is fun learning about romans and stuff

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing that the Romans have done for us is sewers and clean systems and some hygiene because otherwise wemight be dead now.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing that the romans have done for us is Public Health.They have given us clean water supply and sewers otherwise we would die from filthy water and have bad hygene.

Anonymous said...

i think the mo0st important thing the romans did for us was clean streets and sewers and hygenig stuff

Anonymous said...

i think that the most important is econimic because without it how would we make new technolagy,enterian ourselfs such as watch performances and enjoy ourselfs.

Anonymous said...

i think the most importaint thing that the romans have done for us is education because without education we would have no schools and not know how to do most things and how to build new things like roads,buildings and other cool new things. so thank you romans x

Anonymous said...

The most is it econimic

Anonymous said...

the most inportant is money

Eric said...

i think that the roads are the most important elements of the Romans

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing they have done is introduce us to education otherwise we would probably be wiped out or under german control.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important reason was technoligy because without it there would have been friends or people.

ben stringer said...

the romans have done a lot for us but i think the most important thing they did was education because it links with everything. and we wouldnt be smart and buildings would not have been made.

daniel said...

the most important thing the romans left is the health and surgery and the tablets and mediceain because without this we would all die at a young age.

Tony Pearson said...

I think the most important thing the romans have done for us is building the houses, the art of the romans is fantastic and without some of these buildings, we could be missing out on a lot of things, because some of the buildings are very famous!

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important things that the Romans have left is the education.Without the education,we wouldn't learn anythin and schools wouldn't of been invented.

Tony Pearson said...

I think the most important thing the romans have done for us is the buildings, because some of them are very famous and needed!

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the romans did was education.Because without education we would not be smart and buildings would not have been invented

Anonymous said...

i think the most important things that the romans have done for us are the education and the language.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important reason is the doctors and education

<3 Katy

Grape Givers Link Is
Enjoy it =}

Katy said...

I think the most important one is the education and doctors

<3 Katy =]

nadia said...

I think the most inportant thing is the public health without it everyboby would be ill and there would be no medication to make people better.

by nadia galloway

Adam Stott said...

I think the most important thing the romans left behind was statues so we can learn about there past but also education and money to help us be who we are.

Adam S

joshua smith said...

the romans have built roads and entertaining places and how to transport water.

Jack Hepworth said...

I think the Romans did some thinks for us like sanitisation by building public baths and aqueducts. This meant we have good sanitisation today like baths in our homes and seperate toilets. The Romans also taught people how to capture food this is why we have food on our plates today. Finally one thing the Romans didn't do for us is kill people. The Roman killed lots of people in battles from Gaul and Iberia. They alsokilled there own trops in diffrent ways one of these was decimation this is where the Roamns killed one in every 10 soliders in 1 century. This is why i think people kill today.

natalie said...

i think the most important thing the romans did for us is cleaning and things like that because without cleaning every body would be getting ill.

Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing the romans have done is made medicine because without that we coulndn't survived to the age we are at.
Rebcca sheridan

rebecca sheridan said...

i think the most important thing the romans have done for us they have invented medicine to make people better.
By Rebecca Sheridan

rebecca sheridan said...

i think the most important thing the romans have done is they invented medicine and without that we might not be alive right now

Rebecca Skinner said...

I think the most important things the Romans have done for us is building the roads so we can get to places quicker. Also, they have given us entertainment so we won't be bored.

rebecca sheridan said...

i think the most important thing the romans have done for us is invenet medine and without that we may not have alive today.
By Rebecca Sheridan

Danielle.y said...

I think that the most important things the Romans have done for us is the entertainment and the roads so we can go places. Danielle.y

Anonymous said...

i think the most importent thing the romans did for us is education and the roads.

Anonymous said...

i think the most importent thing the romans have done for us is education and the roads.

ben jenkinson said...

i think the most importent thing the romans have done for us is the education and the roads.

ben jenkinson said...

i think the most important thing the romans have done for us is the education and the roads.

Sophie said...

Hey, it's Sophie!
I think the most important thing the romans have left behind for us is the roadbecause they give us an idea of how they used to build things! Thanx :D

Grace said...

hello its Grace, i think the most imprtant thing the romans did for us is the buildings because now we have beautiful buildings.

Anonymous said...

i think the most importaint thing about the romans is how they did education and how they tought us how to read and write

Rory Hirst said...

I think without the romans we would live in a world with no roads or armies with feirce weapons this is what i think of the romans

By Rory Hirst

Anonymous said...

i think that romans have made a big effect on our lifes and without them none of these wonderful things would of been thought of yet.

Georgina Close x

Jordan said...

i think the most important thing that the romans did was education because nothing would be as it is now

caprice said...

i think that the most important that the romans left behind is the aquduct because with out it our water wouldn't be clean so we would get diseases and we couldn't have public baths so then we wouldn't be clean.

Anonymous said...

hii I think the most important thing is the money and if we didn't have the money then we wouldn't be able to get anything now !!! frome Elizabeth 7kk x

Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing the romans have done 4 us is giving us clean water 4 drinking

joel :) :)

Anonymous said...

The romans did alot of things for us but i think the most inmortant one they did wa build roads and gave us to clean water to wash in and drink . E.D

H. Clegg said...

The romans left us with Education and law and order.Also where would our mums and dads be without wine.

H. Clegg said...

I think the romans did for us was the education and law and order. Also where would our mum and dads be without wine.

Kieran williams said...

I think the most important thing the romans have done for us is the aquaduct so that we have a good hygenic system and clean water to drink.

Anonymous said...

This was a very funny video yet suprisingly you can learn from it

chloe s

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jonny_bwoi said...

Hiya They gave us good sanitation of water

Jack hayward said...

I think the most inportant thing that the romans have done for us would have to be the hygenic/hygene issues as well as the water from the aqueduct so in one manor it is good that the romans took over the unighted kingdom or we wouldn't have: medicines, hygene, roads or the good architecture.
(we would probally still have these in present time just not as progressed).

Kirsty Brooke said...

I think that the most important thing that the Romans did for us was give us medicines, doctors and hospitals because without them then most of the world would be dead and the very few people that did survive would probably die very soon after them. Also I think that by them helping us with our health then the whole Human race would be extinct but because of the Romans we repoplulated and now our race can never die out!
By Kirsty Brooke- 7JR

Anonymous said...

I think the most important was the language because without there language we wouldnt have many words as we do today e.g exit ect..
Also if they didnt give us this language, we wouldnt speak or write the same.

Faye Cowdell- 7JR

Tom harrison said...

I think the most important thing was the aqueduct without this we wouldnt have the clean water systems we have today.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important things the romans have done for us is some words; because without words we would'nt be able to writee !!

Molly-Ann 7JR

Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing that the romans did for us was the personal hygene and clean streets x

georgia robertson x

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing was that they cleaned all of the sewers and draining and made the world a much cleaner place.

Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing is the romans because of what they have done of us and out country like gave us hospital and local denticed and lot more things.

Anonymous said...

the most important thing was the aqueduct and without this we would not have the clean water we have today.
by tom h

Anonymous said...

i think that the most important thing was the fact that the romans had hundrededs of opertunities to help them out...

Jordan Ellis - 7JR

Anonymous said...

heyy its georgia,, i think the most important thing that the romans did for us was the aquaduct so that we had a hygenic water system. x

georgia robertson :) x

Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing that the romans did for us was more advanced sanitation and cleaner streets.

Anonymous said...

the most important thing was that the romans gave us latin words like exit.they also gave us wine.

by courtney hudson

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing about the romans was the money and without the money will not be able to buy any foods or shelter.

Anonymous said...

i think the most importand romen axhivemont was....
by kyle paul maclean 7jr

billy topham 7JR :D said...

i think the most important thing was

thing like the abucus if we did not have thing like this we would not be able to learn as well as we do today :) :P :D O.O

we also have got roads from the romans the roads help us to transport good from place to place :) :P :D O.O

chloe connah said...

i think the most important that the romans did for us was give us education.With out education we could nto get jobs and go forwed in life.
By Chloe Connah 7JR

Anonymous said...

the most important thing was they gave us latin words.they gave us wine and nice food

Jordan Ellis said...

i think the most important thing is that the romans had hundreds of oppertunities to help them out...

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the Romans gave to us was strait roads because without strait roads we wouldn't be able to travel to important places and deliver goods from around the country
- ethan oliver 7JR

Anonymous said...

I think that the Romans biggest achievement was money because without money you would not have any money or shelter and food.

Josh Lenton :)

Anonymous said...

i think the romans are im portant to us because they invented things that we use today!!

Anonymous said...

i think that the most important thing was that the romans gave us clean land . and also they did that so that we had hygien so that we wasent dead and also clean.

becky 7JR :)

Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing was the straight roads like the m6 so we can deliver goods all aroond the country.
by Cieran Place

Anonymous said...

i think that the most important thing that the romans did for us was giving hospitals and doctors they gave us some were to ;ive.
by lauren h

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i think the most important thing was the straight roads like the m6 so we can deliver goods all aroond the country.
by Cieran Place

Jimmy Richardson said...

I think the most inportant was education because without schools and education we wouldnt know anything that we know to day


Jimmy Richardson - 7JR

:) :) :) :) :)

Lauren Colton said...

Well, I think the romans have done quite alot for us british bringing wine and exotic plants to our country.The most importants things they brought were hospitals so we dont die and entertainment so we can have fun.Roads or we wouldn't really know where we were going and buildings and baths so dieseases arn't spreded as much and our hygine would also help dieseases not spreading.

By Lauren Colton - 7JR ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest impact of the romans is the entertainment the romans entertainment was sword's fighting animals fighting sae's wer's.

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest impact of the romans on Britain was personal hygene like the aqauduct,public baths,baths and toilets in each house (even pesant houses)and many others. This is because it helped people live longer, it stopped diseases (like cholera).

Robert. Greenwood 7JR

Anonymous said...

The most important thing that the romans did was make better medicine.

Kyle Maclean

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the romans did for us was building theroads. this is becaiise we are still using them now.

ciaran meese 7JR

lucy Davison said...

roman roads
with out roads most of our car's that are not off roaders will be useuless

KatieHayes7CGC said...

I think the most significant event in the roman times was the languages because if we didnt have our latin word to borrow from, we wouldnt have the words/languages we do today. For examle...Latin has influenced British and French, we have borrowed some of the Latin words...e.g: Exit. We dont know how we would be talking if we didnt have the Latin language to use as a template, although we might have influenced and got our language from another language. from Katie Hayes 7CGC.

Bernard said...

The Romans left irrigation and roads which is good so we're not walking in swamps.

KYLE said...

The most important things that the romans have done for us is that they brought money over from other countries and languages where brought over from different countries and now we have words from different countries such as latin, french and spainish

Anonymous said...

I think that the most significant event in the roman legacy was the medicine because if people got a very serious illness, they could have a risk of dying. The population will rapidly decrease which will also mean less employment. Most students in our form have put about the roman roads as being the most significant event in the roman legacy. There wont be many people using the roads if it wasn`t for the medicane because of the population. This is why i think the medicine was the most significant event in the roman legacy.
Trials Sam Vickers.

Trials Sam Vickers said...

I think that the most significant event in the roman legacy was the medicine because if people got a very serious illness, they could have a risk of dying. The population will rapidly decrease which will also mean less employment. Most students in our form have put about the roman roads as being the most significant event in the roman legacy. There wont be many people using the roads if it wasn`t for the medicane because of the population. This is why i think the medicine was the most significant event in the roman legacy.
Trials Sam Vickers.

Trials Sam Vickers said...

I think that the most significant event in the roman legacy was the medicine because if people got a very serious illness, they could have a risk of dying. The population will rapidly decrease which will also mean less employment. Most students in our form have put about the roman roads as being the most significant event in the roman legacy. There wont be many people using the roads if it wasn`t for the medicane because of the population. This is why i think the medicine was the most significant event in the roman legacy.
Trials Sam Vickers.

Ellie said...


I think that the most important thing the romans ever did for us was give us medicine because without it people would die from diseases, also the disease people had caught from rats or bugs could easily be passed onto another person by skin contact this would mean a plague like the one in 1665.

By Ellie Arundel,7CGC

Ellie said...


I think that the most important thing the romans ever did for us was give us medicine because without it people would die from diseases, also the disease people had caught from rats or bugs could easily be passed onto another person by skin contact this would mean a plague like the one in 1665.

By Ellie Arundel,7CGC

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing that the romans did for us was medicine because without medicine we could easily all become infected from just walking by each other like in the plague in 1665.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing that the romans did for us was medicine because without medicine we could easily all become infected from just walking by each other like in the plague in 1665.

Ellie Arundel 7cgc

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing that the romans did for us was medicine because without medicine we could easily all become infected from just walking by each other like in the plague in 1665.

Ellie Arundel 7cgc

Anonymous said...

I think that the Roman roads was the most important because, they built the M1 (Scotland - London or London - Scotland)and they always built there roads straight, so you travelled the shortest distance and you could travel faster and easily. This means that when you went to fight or conker other countries the horses wouldn't find it hard, because the roads where smooth and they wouldn't fall over any large gravel.
And that's why I think the Roman roads was the most Important thing that the Romans did for us !!! :)

By Phoebe Backhouse :)

Anonymous said...

Romans have gave us wine also they gave us the aquaduct and hmmm ... and the cenatation, education and also Medicene. From Laura 7CGC.

Anonymous said...

The Romans gave us money also they gave us the aquaduct also education and the wine so if you think about it the romans have done quite alot for us.

Unknown said...

I think the most important thing the Romans left behind was an aquaduct because with out an aquaduct we would not have clean water that mean we will all die.

Unknown said...

I think that the most significant event in the roman legacy was the aquaduct because if people didn't have clean water they would die. The aquaduct provideds us with clean water so we wouldn't die.

Anonymous said...

The Romans created public baths so that humans could keep themselves clean daily.This also contributed to the sanitation and improved health today.
Name: Sophie Toolan
Form 7CGC

alexwood said...

Alex wood 7cgc

i think roman arcitecture was most important because they gave us central heating .

Anonymous said...

the most important thing they did was clean water and sanitation

rachel taylor 7cgc

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the romans did for us was Medicine because without it we would have hundred of diseases running around on earth killing millions and basically wiping us out!!

Ellie Arundel

callum sanderson said...

I think the most important thing the romans have done for us is medical care because if they didnt do that people would be dieseased.

:))))) :)))))

louis sutton said...

i think the most important thing the Romans have done for us is that they doctors and buildings

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing Romans did for us is medicine.

Rebecca Firth


Eve Rogerson said...

I think the most important legacy the Romans gave us was founding large, important cities such as London. These are necessary to represent our country, lead the country and base the most important places and people there, for example parliament.
The second most important would be the languages, which we developed for everyday use.

sabrina said...

i think most important was health and medcine as it keeps us alive today otherwise everyone would be ill or dead .

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the Romans have done for us is the law and order because if we didnt have this, people could be killing each other and not get away with it.

Georgia 7CGC

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the romans give us was medicicine because without that we would be ill and would not have cures and medicines to cure people with also the important thing about it is that loads of people all around the world would be ill and if there werent doctors that means there would be less jobs

by chloee conlon:)<3

Daisy B 7CGC said...

I think the most important part of roman legacy is law and order because if there was no law there would be alot of crime, no discipline and damage to our environment

Daisy B 7CGC said...

I think the most important part of roman legacy is law and order, because if there was no law there would be alot of crime, no safety and we would have a world of disaster!

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the romans left behind was the roads

Ewan 7CGC

Ben Thomas said...

I think the most important thing the Romans gave us is law & order because otherwise there would be even more crime.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the Romans gave us was Law & Order because otherwise there would be more crime.

By Ben Thomas

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing about the Roman Legacy was Education, because without this we would not be where we are today, we would not have been able to develop and makes things.

Aimee Eden 7 CGC

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing about the Roman Legacy is Education, because without this we would not be where we are today, we would not have been able to develop things and make things.

Aimee Eden 7 CGC

maz said...

i think that the most important thing is the education and hygiene because education is important for getting a job and been able to pay bills,and be able to buy food and water, plus we need hygiene because otherwise the streets would be full of sewage and rubbish.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing Romans have given us is law and order because we would be living ina world of crime and gangsters.


Anonymous said...

I think the most imporatant thing the romans did for us was health and medicine as otherwise we would not be able to develop our understanding of the human body and medicine

Ruth 7cgc

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing the RImans did for us was making medicine because without medicine everyone would get worse when they were poorly. Medicine helps us get better, also another important thing that the Romams did for us was making the roads because without roads we wouldn't get anywhere!

Evie 7CGC

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing that the Romans have given us is clean water and hygiene because if we didnt have it everybody would pass germs and other diseases onto other people and it could cause them to die or be really poorly.
Fiona 7CGC

Anonymous said...

i think the medicines because sometimes it saves people lifes and make people less ill because if we didnt have them most of the people that are alive today wouldnt be alive.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing that the romans have done for us is medicine because if they wasn't any medicine then lots of people will go ill and maybe even die.

Nathan Manning

Anonymous said...

Sanitation and the fact that they made it safer at night for people to roam the streets and not get robbed or attacked

William Gibson 7CGC

Anonymous said...

I think that medicine because other wise we wudnt hav as many people alive today. Also education cuz other wise people wudnt hav good education to help us in science and other things

Sophie B XD

Anonymous said...

the most important Romans have done for us is the medicine and education because we would all get ill without medicine and if not for eduction we would not be learning about the Romans

from declan parker 7cgc

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